e-technology to aid farmers
Greenhouse gases from agriculture account forover ten percentof total emissions globally, roughly equivalent to the entire global transport sector. Meanwhile, it is estimated that agricultural production will need to increase by about 70% by 2050 to keep pace with global population growth. Whats more, the real impacts of climate change on the agricultural sector are likely going to be hardest felt in many of those countries whose people rely on agriculture most for their livelihoods. In sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, for example, some estimates show areduction in the productivityof most major food crops as a result of changes to the climate over the next forty years.
The increasing availability of affordable technologies that have the potential to reduce greenhouse gases and increase productivity in agriculture. Information and communications technologies, like the mobile phone, video, and even radio. Asmobile phone penetration ratescontinue to grow at a rapid rate throughout the globe, farmers now have access to a growing number of agricultural information services both through SMS and voice. In short, they make it easier to share locally relevant information on improved techniques and to provide time-specific information and recommendations such as weather forecasts etc.
In addition to mobile phone services, a low-cost video equipment to create locally made extension videos to share the stories of farmers who have made the change to more sustainable practices with their peers in other communities. And not to be outdone, by coupling mobile phone access with radio access, interactive radio programs can be developed where farmers can ask their doubts and concerns to an expert having relevant information. This will lead to two way flow of information and at the same time better assimilation and use of information provided. Government has taken some steps in this direction and is broadcasting programs in rural areas. Also doordarshan shows programs such as Krishi Darshan where information related to new technologies, seeds, irrigation techniques are shown.
Also since penetration of computer and internet is also increasing in rural area it is opening a completely new dimension of information flow. Private sector can also be involved now to provide IT solutions and software. This area seems to be most promising as many facilities can be used like audio video conferencing, instant search on internet , fast access of information etc. With development of new software and applications it will be easy also to operate and handle them. This will also provide employment opportunities to youth.
A successful initiative by private sector known as e-Choupal can be mentioned here. It is a business platform consisting of a set of organizational subsystems and interfaces connecting farmers to global markets. This common structure can be used to provide products and services for farmers as producer as well as consumer. The e-Choupal business consists of:
* The infrastructure (physical or organizational) through which transaction takes place.
* The entity (person or organization) making the transaction.
* The geographical coverage.
One e-choupal serves a cluster of five villages. This e-choupal provides free information and knowledge which ensures wide participation by the farmer. The entity which provides the facility create revenue through transactions on commission basis.
Of course, the potential impact of ICT on its own is not enough to overcome the very real climate and food security challenges that our country and in fact world faces over the next several decades. It is important to remember that while the technologies can be used to support the transition to more sustainable agricultural practices, they still require someone to create high quality and relevant content, and someone to pay for the dissemination of that information. However, there is cause for optimism that just as technology has enabled the rapid spread of entertainment, it may also facilitate a faster transition to environmentally friendlier forms of agriculture in the parts of the world that need them most. And while that alone wont solve the problem, it is certainly a helpful start.
References:1. http://www.e-agriculture.org/blog/how-ict-helping-farmers-and-combatting-climate-change
2. Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh
Name: Ayush Rai
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