Be The Change That You Want To See In Others
A Lady to Gandhiji: My child used to eat too much jaggery. Please scold him not to eat too much jaggery.
Gandhiji to lady: Bring your child after a week.
A week later, When the lady went to Gandhiji with her child, Gandhiji made her child to sat near to him and asked not to eat too much jaggery. It is injurious to your health. Then, Gandhiji asked her to took him back and assured her he would not take too much jaggery in the future.
Lady to Gandhiji: you could say this thing one week back also, then why now?
Gandhiji to lady: One week ago, I also used to took too much jaggery.
This small story of Gandhijis life is a significant demonstration of the Gandhis advocacy for
Be the change that you want to see in others.
Is this preaching of Gandhiji relevant in todays atmosphere? There are many areas where we advocate this preaching in paper but not in practice.
1.Corruption: There are many laws which deal with corruption, still corruption spread into the political and economic fabric of society. We, everyday ,campaign against corruption, demand strict punishment for a corrupt leader. Still, we used to pay big bribe to get a job, admission in a good school or college, to pass a exam etc.
JBT teachers Ghotala in Haryana , VVIP chopper deal scam, CWG scam Coal Scam etc are show that how badly we failed to practice this principle. Note that bribe giver is major offender than bribe taker.
2.Science and Technology: Today USA, along with other world leaders forcing Iran to stop its Nuclear weapon programme. Even USA, himself not only first made Weapons of Mass Destruction but also used them in WWII. At present he is the major holder of this Weapon.
Not only this, Isreal and USA threatened Syria to wage a war against her if she would not destroy her chemical stockpile.
A tug of war like situation is also going on in between developed and developing states on the issue of Climate Change. Natural Resources has been exploited to their near limit, still every country is blaming every other country for their exploitation. Instead of restraining themselves they are forcing others to restrain.
3. Womens Issues: Female infanticide, Dowry, Crime against women, Unequal treatment w.r.t. their male counterpart etc. are problems faced by women in India since ancient times. Earlier it was thought that with the spread of western education these problems can be get rid off. But we ignored that some of this problems were also prevalent in the so called western society. A mother engaged herself in the practice of female infanticide, demand for dowry, want for a male child etc. While doing so she perhaps forget that she is also a girl. Currently, Sex ratio in india is 940 and child sex ratio is even less 914, this shows how much we got modernized.
We got equal right for women in 1947 but we get our first woman president in 2007. Our Constitution through various articles like 14, 15, 16 etc enforces equal right of woman in every sphere but all this is in paper only.
Recently our so called social gurus found guilty of most heinous crimes against women. December 16 gang rape demonstrates how badly we protect our sisters, daughters and mothers.
4. Caste based violence: It is so much paradoxical that a party which always preached for muslims rights failed to protect them in its own state. Caste based violence is so much prevalent in India since British times so that it becomes a very nature of Indian society.
2013 Muzzafarnagar riots, 2002 Godhra riots, Violence in Gohana (Haryana) against dalits, 1984 Sikhs agitations etc. are demonstrate that how badly we failed to preserve India to so called a secular state in recent times.
Despite of having a absolute article against untouchability (Art 17) in our constitution, Untouchability still practices in many parts of the country.
Why this all things happen in India? Why we are not the change that we want? Why we failed to get a truly democratic and secular India that our forefathers hoped?
There are many reasons for this failure:
1. Vote Bank Politics: Votebank politics in India is very much prevalent. Parties based on caste had been set up. These parties bring little benefits for their people. Instead they got engaged in fulfilling their self interest. Even some parties fought elections bases on issues like building a temple.
2. Political Pressure: An IAS officer, Durga Shakti Nagpal got suspended because she tried to curb sand mafia. Even Politicans of the state said they are capable of ruling the state even without a single IAS officer in the state.
Political pressure now becomes a major obstacle for good officers to work.
3 Prejudices: A major prejudice in the mind of people is that the system is corrupt. So people says jaisa chalta h chalne de (it should be going on the way it is working). They not even try to be honest when they are going in public offices.
Instead of changing mindset of men they forced women not to get out of their home after 7 oclock, wear traditional sarees or suits etc.
What should be done?
1. People should change their mindset. Instead of thinking others corrupt they should make themselves honest. They should follow rules and regulations when dealing with a public office.
2. Children should be socialized from their homes and schools to respect women. They should not be allow to view any programme on TV which may have bad effect on them.
Different compartments for girls and boys in schools, college and workplace is not a solution rather they should allow to spend time together to understand each others problem, nature, views etc. Providing Protection to women is not sufficient as we have seen that after many steps taken by the government in wake of Dec 16 gang rape, many crimes against women still happened after that. What required is changing mindset of men. They should respect women as their mother, sister and daughter. Women should also be trained to protect themselves.
1. A major thing which is needed is awakening of masses. History demonstrates that only by awakening of masses we were able to bring a big change a India. After the Dec 16 incident awakening of masses shows that they are not going to tolerate any crime. A major feature of this awakening was that not only women but men also participated in it.
Anna Hazare led movement against corruption shows that Indian society has the capacity to bring a major change in India. It is not going to tolerate jaisa chalta hain chalne de.
A new party emerged from this movement called Aam Aadmi Party which shows considerable achievement in recent elections. All hope of the people is with this new party!
Name : Atul Tayal
Source:The Indian Express
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