Wednesday, September 17, 2014

SSC CGL 2014 - Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Best books for Preparation

taff Selection Commission (SSC) holds Combined Graduate Level Examination (CGL) for recruitment to different posts in Group B and Group C. The Examination will comprise of two Tiers of Written Objective Type examination followed by Computer Proficiency Test/Interview/Skill test, wherever applicable as per the Scheme of Examination and a descriptive/on-line test of qualifying nature for candidates shortlisted for interview/skill test/document verification. Posts have been placed in two groups, based on their Grade Pay and papers in Tier II examination/Interview.
Name of posts for which recruitment process of SSC CGL is conducted are-
– Inspector of Income Tax/ Inspector (Central Excise)/ Inspector (Preventive Officer)/ Inspector (Examiner)/ Inspector of Posts/ Assistant Enforcement Officer/Inspector (CBN) Compiler/ Divisional Accountant/ Auditors/ UDCs /Tax Assistants/ Junior Accountant & Accountant /Sub-Inspector (CBN)
– Statistical Investigator Gr.II
– Assistant/Sub Inspector in CBI

SCHEME OF THE EXAMINATION FOR SSC COMBINED GRADUATE LEVEL EXAMINATION: The Examination will be conducted in three tiers as indicated below:

Tier-I — Written Examination (Objective Multiple Choice Type)
Tier-II – Written Examination (Objective Multiple Choice Type)
Tier-III –Personality Test cum Interview/Computer Proficiency Test/Skill Test(wherever applicable)/Document Verification & Descriptive /on-line test of qualifying nature.

SSC Combined Graduate Level Eligibility Criteria: Candidates must fulfill following eligibility criteria to apply for SSC CGL posts-

Age Limit: Candidate must be between the age of 18 to 27 years at the time of applying.
Education Qualification:Candidate must minimum qualified as a graduate from a recognized University at the time of applying.

SSC Combined Graduate Level (Tier-I) Examination Pattern: Tier–I of the Combined Graduate level Examination will be common for all categories of posts.
PartSubjectNo.of QuestionsMax. MarksTime Allotted
AGeneral Intelligence & Reasoning5050

120 Minutes( 2hrs )
BGeneral Awareness5050
CQuantitative Aptitude5050
DEnglish Comprehension5050
Note:- The questions in Posts A,B & D will be of a level commensurate with the Essential Qualification viz graduation and questions in Part C will be of 10th standard level.
– Questions will be of Objective Type Multiple Choice, set both in Hindi and English in respect of Parts A, B and C.

SSC Combined Graduate Level (Tier-II) Examination Pattern: Tier-II of the Combined Graduate Level Examination-2013 will be of Objective Type Multiple Choice and will be conducted over a period of two days.
PaperSubjectNo.of QuestionsMax. MarksTime Allotted
IQuantitative Abilities1002002 Hours and 40 Min.
IIEnglish Language & Comprehension1002002 Hours and 40 Min.
IIIStatistics1002002 Hours and 40 Min.
NOTE: Paper-I & II are compulsory for all the categories of posts.Paper-III is only for those candidates who apply for the post of Statistical Investigator Gr.II & Compiler.
– Questions in Paper-I will be of 10th standard level, Paper-II of 10+2 level and Paper-III of graduation level.

SSC Combined Graduate Level Personality Test / Interview: For posts for which Interview cum Personality Test is prescribed, the Personality Test / interview will carry a maximum of 100 marks.
Some of the books which can help candidates to prepare for SSC Combined Graduate Level Exam (Tier 1 and 2) are suggested as below-
Books For SSC CGL Examination Tier 1 and 2 Preparation :

And for SSC CGL Exam Solved Papers and practice set you can buy :

These books consists of all the related topics at one place.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) Examination Syllabus:
A. General Intelligence & Reasoning: It would include questions of both verbal and non-verbal type. This component may include questions on analogies, similarities and differences, space visualization, spatial orientation, problem solving, analysis, judgement, decision making, visual memory, discrimination, observation, relationship concepts, arithmetical reasoning and figural classification, arithmetic number series, non-verbal series, coding and decoding, statement conclusion, syllogistic reasoning etc. The topics are, Semantic Analogy, Symbolic/Number
Analogy, Figural Analogy, Semantic Classification, Symbolic/Number Classification, Figural Classification, Semantic Series, Number Series, Figural Series, Problem Solving, Word Building, Coding & De-coding, Numerical Operations, symbolic Operations, Trends, Space Orientation, Space Visualization, Venn Diagrams, Drawing inferences, Punched hole/pattern–folding & un-folding, Figural Pattern– folding and completion, Indexing, Address matching, Date & city matching, Classification of centre codes/roll numbers, Small & Capital letters/numbers coding, decoding and classification, Embedded Figures, Critical thinking, Emotional Intelligence, Social Intelligence, Other sub-topics, if any.

B. General Awareness: Questions in this component will be aimed at testing the candidates general awareness of the environment around him and its application to society. Questions will also be designed to test knowledge of current events and of such matters of every day ob servations and experience in their scientific aspect as may be expected of any educated person. The test will also include questions relating to India and its neighboring countries especially pertaining History, Culture, Geography, Economic Scene, Gen
eral Policy & Scientific Research.

C. Quantitative Aptitude : The questions will be designed to test the ability of appropriate use of numbers and number sense of the candidate. The scope of the test will be computation of whole numbers, decimals ,fractions and relationships between numbers, Percentage. Ratio & Proportion,Square roots, Averages, Interest, Profit and Loss, Discount, Partnership Business, Mixture and Alligation, Time and distance, Time & Work, Basic algebraic identities of School Algebra & Elementary surds, Graphs of Linear Equations, Triangle and its various kinds of centres, Congruence and similarity of triangles, Circle and its chords, tangents, angles subtended by chords of acircle, common tangents to two or more circles, Triangle, Quadrilaterals, Regular Polygons , Circle, Right Prism, Right Circular Cone, Right Circular Cylinder, Sphere, Hemispheres, Rectangular Parallelepiped, Regular Right Pyramid with triangular or square base, Trigonometric ratio, Degree and Radian Measures, Standard Identities, Complementary angles, Heights and Distances, Histogram, Frequency polygon, Bar diagram & Pie chart.
D. English Comprehension: Candidates’ ability to understand correct English, his basic comprehension and writing ability, etc. would be tested.
SSC CGL (Tier-II) Examination Syllabus:
Paper-I: Quantitative Ability: The questions will be designed to test the ability of appropriate use of numbers and number
sense of the candidate. The scope of the test will be the computation of whole numbers, decimals ,fractions and relationships between numbers, Percentage. Ratio & Proportion,Square roots, Averages, Interest, Profit and Loss, Discount, Partnership Business, Mixture and Alligation, Time and distance, Time & Work, Basic algebraic identities of School Algebra & Elementary surds, Graphs of Linear Equations, Triangle and its various kinds of centers, Congruence and similarity of triangles, Circle and its chords, tangents, angles subtended by chords of a circle, common tangents to two or more circles, Triangle, Quadrilaterals, Regular Polygons , Circle, Right Prism, Right Circular Cone, Right Circular Cylinder, Sphere, Hemispheres, Rectangular Parallelepiped, Regular Right Pyramid with triangular or square base, Trigonometric ratio, Degree and Radian Measures, Standard Identities,Complementary angles, Heights and Distances, Histogram, Frequency polygon, Bar diagram & Pie chart.

Paper-II: English Language & Compression: Questions in this components will be designed to test the candidate’s understanding and knowledge of English Language and will be based on spot the error, fill in the blanks, synonyms, antonyms, spelling/detecting mis-spelt words, idioms & phrases, one word substitution, improvement of sentences, active/passive voice of verbs, conversion into direct/indirect narration, shuffling of sentence parts, shuffling of sentences in a passage, cloze passage & comprehension passage.
Paper-III: Statistics for Investigator Grade-II, Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation & Compiler in RGI.
Collection Classification and Presentation of Statistical Data– Primary and Secondary data, Methods of data collection; Tabulation of data; Graphs and charts; Frequency distributions; Diagrammatic presentation of frequency distributions.

Measures of Central Tendency- Common measures of central tendency–mean median and mode; Partition values- quartiles, deciles, percentiles.
Measures of Dispersion- Common measures dispersion– range, quartile deviations, mean deviation and standard deviation; Measures of relative dispersion. Moments, Skewness and Kurtosis–Different types of moments and their relationship; meaning of skewness and kurtosis; different measures of skewness and kurtosis.
Correlation and Regression– Scatter diagram; simple correlation coefficient; simple regression lines; Spearman’s rank correlation; Measures of association of attributes; Multiple regression; Multiple and partial correlation (For three variables only).
Probability Theory– Meaning of probability; Different definitions of probability; Conditional probability; Compound probability; Independent events; Bayes’ theorem.
Random Variable and Probability Distributions– Random variable; Probability functions; Expectation and Variance of a random variable; Higher moments of a random variable; Binomial , Poisson, Normal and Exponential distributions; Joint distribution of two random variable (discrete).
Sampling Theory– Concept of population and sample; Parameter and statistic, Sampling and non- sampling errors; Probability and non-probability sampling techniques(simple random sampling, stratified sampling, multistage sampling, multiphase sampling, cluster sampling, systematic sampling, purposive sampling,convenience sampling and quota sampling); Sampling distribution(statement only); Sample size decisions.
Statistical Inference- Point estimation and interval estimation, Properties of a good estimator, Methods of estimation (Moments method, Maximum likelihood method, Least squares method), Testing of hypothesis, Basic concept of testing, Small sample and large sample tests, Tests based on Z, t, Chi-square and F statistic, Confidence intervals.
Analysis of Variance- Analysis of one – way classified data and two-way classified data.
Time Series Analysis- Components of time series, Determinations of trend component by different methods, Measurement of seasonal variation by different methods.
Index Numbers - Meaning of Index Numbers, Problems in the construction of index numbers, Types of index number, Different formulae, Base shifting and splicing of index numbers, Cost of living Index Numbers, Uses of Index Numbers.