Generally taken as an enhancement of number of permanent members of UNSC, should also be taken as democratisation of the working and decision making process of the UNO, especially at UNSC. It means that issue is not only countries like INDIA getting UNSC permanent membership with veto power but also the way in which and the issue for which these countries are going to be different from the way in which the present P5 has used the veto power.
Need for Security Council reforms:
* The present situation reflects the geo political realities of 1945 and not of 2013. In 1945 the UNSC consisted of 11 members, total UNO membership was 51, about 22%. In 2013 UNSC consisted of 15 members but total UN membership was more than 190, fewer than 8%.
* Europe which accounts for barely 5% of world population still controls 33% of seats in any given year.
* Germany and Japans financial contribution to UN budget at 12% and 19%, still out of UN power structure because they lost the World War II.
* India and Brazil contributed substantially in kind and in time by participating in UN peacekeeping.
* While taking the size of country and population India claim is but natural and understandable. India always staked its international power heaving on multilateral institutions the common wealth, NAM, UNO, and in limited extent to WTO.
* Active participant in UN system and UN peacekeeping mission donned the mantel of the leader of the developing world to the multilateral political bodies and voiced for the cause of have-nots of all hues economic to nuclear.
* Tended to position it self some where between the powerful and powerless, the rich and the poor and between contending ideological groups and that promoted it to up for non-alignment as a means for achievement of national independence in foreign policy formulation and relation.
* Group of four Brazil, Germany, Japan and India support each others claim and of ready to accept UN permanent membership with out veto power.
* On the claims of Germany and Japan, Italy counter claims on the ground that these two got defeated in World War II.
* China and South Korea against Japans claim for historical reasons.
* Pakistan against India due to the rivalry of siblings.
* Argentina and Mexico against Brazils claim because Portuguese Brazil representing Hispanic Latin America.
* Whom to represent Africa whether Nigeria biggest democracy or largest economy South Africa or Egypt the oldest civilization???
* Coffee club to uniting for consensus Canada and Spain are genuine motivated by principles and consider the existence of permanent membership to be wrong to begin with.
* Many others like Pakistan are only openly animated by a spirit of competition or historical grievance or simple envy. Bonded together in to an effective coalition to thwart any reform.
1. New permanent membership with out veto power.
2. Rotating permanent membership rival claimants enjoying shared or semi permanent membership.
3. Regional rotation options rotation of permanent membership at the helm.
* Amendment procedural of UN charter set rather high, requires 2/3rd majority of the overall member countries - 129 of 193 countries are the general assembly members.
* Further have to be ratified by 2/3rd of the member states usually by parliament procedure. A country like France it may be calling for a referendum.
Reforms are inevitable, what looks anolomous today will seem absurd tomorrow. British or French veto of resolution of South Asia with India absent from the table???
India should help USA to practice what USA preaches. Only because of USA, Germany was brought in to international politics. The USA called for rearming Germany. French hand is comparatively weak but they play so carefully to see that they win the play.
* EU is a normative power. UNSC single seat for EU. EU should claim and secure UNSC permanent seat/ membership.
* The present members France and UK have to make the supreme sacrifice of voluntarily relinquishing their seats.
* Germany should not insist on its claim.
* EU should use its veto power sensible and for common good (not only of 27 EU members).
* EU should support Brazil, India, Japan and South Africa claims. Together they should work unison in achieving the established goals of UN through effective multilateralism.
* UNSC must remain true to its aspiration of creating a new and alternative universality. Should be clear about what value is stand for in the international system since its legitimacy will come from its ability to stand for the highest human and universal values.
* Should aim not just being powerful it should set new standards for what the powerful must do.
Only when UNSC is allowed to take its decisions democratically and on issues concerning all, the UN will be achieved.
UNO was not created to take mankind to heaven but to save humanity from hell. If the UNO succeeds the EU succeeds and the whole world succeeds. UNO NEEDS AND DESERVES TO SUCCEED.
It is already becoming clear that a chapter which had a western beginning will have to have an Indian ending if it is not to end in the self destruction of the human race. At this supremely dangerous moment in history, the only way of salvation for mankind is the Indian way
List of References:
1. Sunil Khilani Eth-al, Non-Alignment 2.0, a foreign and strategic policy for India in 21st c, publication of centre for Policy Research, New Delhi, 2011.
2. Changing World Order B. Krishnamurthy
3. Notes of B. Krishnamurthy
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