Monday, January 20, 2014

Challenges of Liberalization, Privatization, Globalization

Challenges of Liberalization, Privatization, Globalization

There is a famous quote by Aristotle, “Man is by nature a social animal”. Interactions among people are prerequisite for a society. Phenomenon when these interactions are liberated from the dictates of state and spread across the boundaries all over the world is also known as Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization. Although these terns were initially associated with economy, they have impact in other areas as well. Liberalization is to make the liberal policies and rules to allow market forces to prevail. Privatization is to open different market segments which were initially restricted for only public sector only to private sectors also. Globalization is to allow flow of goods and services between two nations with minimal restraint.

Genesis of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization

1.      World Bank Aid Conditionality
In the last decades of twentieth century most of the African and Asian colonies were freed. For achieving the fast socio-economic development these countries approached World Bank to get the aid for their development. Condition of opening the market to private companies and other nations was attached to the aid provided by World Bank. Although after 90’s, World Bank have done some modifications in their policies and conditions to provide the financial aid. But still there is tacit conditionality associated with the aid given. Hence aid conditionality is considered one of the reason for prevalence of Liberalization, Privatization and globalization. In India after the economic reforms of 1991, these changes are introduced and they are termed as LPG.

2.      Emergence of Welfare State
With the emergence of welfare state concepts like transparency, accountability, equity and efficiency started to embolden. Traditional Governments were inefficient, incompetent and unable to deliver to the demand of peoples. Red-tape, nepotism, corruption, favoritism and other irregularities crept in the public sector and financial crisis looms in many countries. So countries are compelled to open the market for different players and lose their monopolies in some areas. This is one of the reasons that countries like Russia and others have to follow the liberalization, Privatization and Globalization (LPG).

Impact of LPG on Economy
Economy is related to the production and distribution of goods and services among different individuals, groups, organization or nations. Economic activities are as old as the human existence in the earth is. It works on the ideology of mutual exchange with consent. As the civilization advanced people created their kingdoms and controlled various economic activities in their territory. These kingdoms were the predecessor of current states and nations.
Positive impacts of LPG on the economy of current states are as follows:

1.      Higher Growth in Financial Terms:
With more private firms and flow of capital from developed countries to developing countries, higher growth in terms of Gross Domestic Product and Per Capita Income is observed in most of the countries.
2.      More employment opportunities:
More people were employed in various multinational firms and private companies. With availability of cheap labor various firms from developed countries shifted their working location to developing countries. This created more opportunities of employment.
3.      Better Infrastructure
Private sector also started funding the infrastructure projects. National highways, Airports and other such projects are contracted out to private firms. Better infrastructure also invited more investment from other countries.
4.      More welfare Schemes:
With higher growth rate, states get more opportunity to invest in welfare schemes for betterment of poor and ignored section of the society and work for alleviation of poverty and inequality in the society.

Negative impact of LPG on economy:

1.      Hegemony of developed nations over developing nations:
Developed nations have been criticized for being enforcing policies on developing nations. Ideologies of developed nations are imposed on developing countries without giving consideration of the existing conditions of developing countries.
2.      Exploitation of Natural Resources:
Private companies work with the motive of profit earning. In the absence of any proper policies, private companies exploited the natural resources very badly. This has done some of the irreparable damages to the developing countries and their ecology.
3.      Increased Inequality:
With concentration of wealth in few private hands who have the motive of more profit earning rather than society welfare, inequality has increased many folds in both developing as well as developed nations. Private firms are also alleged of influencing politicians for making favorable policies for them.
4.      Destructive Competition:
Competition is considered good and constructive for any economy till it increases the efficiency in a controlled circumstance. But when it goes beyond certain limit, it has many unintentional side effects. Examples of destructive competition include cutting cost by polluting the environment, competing by reducing the workers safety and protection measures and competing at socially irresponsible, damaging financial speculation.

Impact of LPG on culture
According to Anthropologist Edward B. Taylor, Culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society. With economic exchange, exchange of culture also takes place, knowingly or unknowingly. This has taken place in earlier times also as claimed by many historians.
Positive impacts of LPG on Culture
1.      Exchange of ideas
Globalization cause cultures to cross the boundaries. Good practices are accepted from the cultures of other countries. One such example is the women empowerment in different countries after being influenced from western countries. Similarly message of Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta is being spread from India to different countries including western countries.
2.      Exchange of good practices
Good practices are accepted by one nation from culture of other nations. One of such example is the practice of Yoga being spread in developing countries by Yog Guru Baba Ramdev.
3.      More availability of Opportunities
With liberalization, privatization and globalization, more entertainment companies come up in the society to bring out the talent from different ends of the country. This gives the opportunity and platform to the artists to showcase their talents. Increased numbers of reality shows are an example of this.

Negative Impacts of LPG on Culture
1.      Exchange of Bad practices:
Along with good practices, bad practices are also assimilated by people. Alcoholism, drug addiction and smoking among other things are some of the examples of bad practices accepted. Similarly prevalence of junk food in India can also be contributed towards LPG.
2.      Dissolution of Culture
With the acceptance of other culture people often forget their own culture. This is true mostly in case of developing countries where young generation doesn’t found any merit in accepting their age old culture and get attracted towards the culture of developing countries.

Impact of LPG in Education and Technology:

Education is a continuous process. It does not end with graduation day. Similarly the education system also keeps on changing as the nation grows reducing redundant things and adding recent advancement. Technology has become one of the important parts of education in recent times.

Positive Impacts of LPG on Education and Technology:
1.      Advanced technology to developing countries :
Developed countries have availability of advanced technology as they spend good amount of money in Research and Development activities. New technologies are necessity for fast development because old technologies become redundant and inefficient with the rising population and decreasing resources.
2.      Better Education System :
With more number of Schools and Colleges in the country level of education also improves. Constructive competition and innovative ideas brings in better methods to impart good education. Availability of various online portals and education videos explaining various concepts of different subjects succinctly is one such example of improvement in education.
3.      Knowledge sharing across the borders :
One nation may have expertise in some subject and other nation may have in some other subject. Exchange of knowledge between two nations may benefit both the countries.

Negative Impacts of LPG on Education and Technology:
1.      Developed countries imposing new technologies :
Developed countries impose new technologies on developing countries through various international organizations. For eg. Chloro Fluoro Carbons were used earlier as refrigerant which produce high amount of Ozone depleting gases. Hydro Chloro Fluoro Carbon (HCFC-22) using refrigerants are introduced and developing countries are forced to switch to cleaner refrigerant. Now America is pushing India for cleaner refrigerants, made of Hydro Fluro Carbon (HFC). Such type of behavior benefits the corporates of developed countries affecting the poor persons of developing countries.
2.      Conversion of Education into Business
Private firms start using the opportunity of high number of young people and convert education into a business. Hefty amount of fees is collected by them and low quality of education is imparted. Presence of high number of Engineering colleeges in India without good teachers and any future perspective for students is one such example.

Impact of LPG on Public Administration:

Public administration is the government in execution. Traditionally public administration has been transformed into a black box working in a secret manner with least priority to public welfare and social improvement. Such behaviour has made public administration passive and inefficient. Recently due to pressure from media, civil society and international financing bodies, public administration is changing itself. With the beginning of paradigm of New Public Management in public administration more stress is now given on the management side of administration which includes efficiency, effectiveness, transparency and output. Concept of less government and more governance is more prevalent all across the globe. LPG can be credited as one of the reasons of genesis of New Public Management.

Positive impacts of LPG on Public Administration:
1.      Changing role of Administration
Role of Administration has been changed from provider of services to the one regulating services and empowering Citizens. It has also become Customer oriented and result oriented branch of state from previous traditional, rigid and complex bureaucracy.
2.      Trend of contracting out:
Administrations across the world have started contracting out as much Work to private or public agencies as possible. One of the reasons of contracting out is that authority and accountability are easy to delegate and monitor. In India responsibility of PAN card printing is given to UTI and NSDL.
3.      Learning good practices from private entities
Public administration has learned to use better methods of private companies. Strict rules, management by objective and use of detailed project reports are some such techniques now used in public administration as well. Scientific and statistical methods are used with recent technologies to increase the efficiency and effectiveness. Remuneration has also increased for public administration personnel.

Negative impacts of LPG on Public Administration:
1.      Increasing complexities
LPG has caused advancement in technology and increase in awareness of citizens. This has resulted in more scrutiny of Administrative work. These improvements have brought transparency and accountability in the administrative work. But they have also increased the complexity of work and put lot of restrictions on daily working of administrators. Public opinion is always desired as a feedback in Administration. But it should not hinder the administrators in taking any decision. Also as more players are coming out in the market task of regulating and maintaining equal playing field for everyone becomes more difficult.

2.      Emergence of international and regional multinational platforms
Many groups and organizations have emerged with the LPG. As a result of this, decisions are now taken considering various circumstances globally instead of just local problems. India's decision to implement food security bill recently is objected by developed countries at WTO meet in Bali and India has to convince all the nations to reach an intermediate Solution. Similarly groups at the regional levels are also emerging which effect the decision by Administration.

Liberalisation, Globalisation and Privatisation have affected all the countries economically, politically, culturally, and in all other aspects. They have brought many improvements and changes in the Society and citizens across the globe. However it is very important to look down into the advancement of LPG both from positive point as well as negative point. We need to critically scrutinize any shortcoming in the approach of LPG, so that we can correct it in future. Problems like rise of inequality, environment degradation, and hegemony of developed countries over developed countries have to be considered and solved with commitment from all the countries and sections of Society.

by Rajesh Garkoti

2.      The Competition Paradigm: America's Romance with Conflict, Contest, and Commerce - By Pauline Vaillancourt Rosenau