1. Introduction-
Human being facing natural disaster from ancient time likes earthquake, flood, drought, storms snowfall, tsunamis and volcano eruption etc. Are taking examination of the patience, strength and life of human beings. Large no. civilization and culture are destroyed due to these disasters.
No doubt, development in the area of science and tech. makes human life much better but some of the discoveries are responsible for these disasters and makes life more difficult. Scientific discoveries and physical life gave the birth of environmental imbalance, so the possibilities and no. of natural disaster become maximum.
(2) Disaster According to the Disaster management act 2005 -
The means of disaster is the destruction, problems or any serious incident which happened due to natural or ethical (man-made) factor or accidently happened and which causes serious threats to the human life or drastically affects nature.
(3)Types -
1. Natural disasters earthquake, drought, flood, tsunamis, landslide, snowfall, storms, epidemics , forest fire and others like loo, cold, fog and mist etc.
2. Manmade disasters nuclear disaster, chemical mining biological cyber terrorism environmental disasters and war
(4)Global situation on disaster-
The whole world suffering from different types of disasters and loosed large no. of life and economy. Dangerous earthquake of modern age came in 1201 in Syria and Turkey causes death of 10 lakhs of people after that in China 1556 when 8.5 lakhs of people loosed their life.
In case of India in 1737 in Calcutta where 3 lakhs of people died. Russia China Syria, Iran, Japan, Italy, Morocco, Turkey, Mexico, Afghanistan, Pakistan Indonesia and Colombia are the porn countries of disaster.
In the world 10 most dangerous volcano can damage large area of earth , world climatic organisation said that Typhoon of North ocean, Hariken of Atlantic ocean and cyclone of bay of Bengal damage many countries like Bangladesh India Thailand and Indonesia.
Due to the environmental imbalance the polar ice caps are start melting due to which cities situated in coastal line are now in serious threat in the whole world climatic system get disturbed and along with natural calamities human beings are also suffering from war and terrorism like disasters.
(5)Indian Stand on Disaster- according to UNIDR in case of natural disaster, India ranks second after china. 59% part of India is earthquake porn area in which the area near Himalaya, eastern state, Gujarat and some area of Andaman and Nicobar are active area of earthquake almost 68% part of country suffering from partial or serious flood , 38% area have 750-1125 mm rain and in 33 % only 750 mm rain is found or less the western part of country always facing drought like situation every year and 4-7% crop field always face the problem of flood and get damage. in the 75% km long coastal line almost 71% almost (5300km) area is porn to earthquake.
Along with these information we can observe in the whole year different parts of India facing different types of natural calamities but the matter of fact is that large no. of poor people get affected and loosed their life.
From 1980- 2010 all natural disasters
Effects of natural calamities in India (From 1980-2010)
no. of incidents431
no. of died people143039
average death per year4614
affected individuals1521726127
average affected per year9087940
economic damage48063830$
per year economic damage1550446$
The above chart showing that how much damage caused by natural calamities caused in India and along with other developing nation India affected mostly by these incidents.
In country where informing centre or alarming centres are established are less affected by these incident for example North America saved several life from Sandy cyclone in 2012 but those countries who is less prepared or where rehabilitation programme is not good , are severely affected by natural disasters and India is one of them. According to world bank report due to the natural calamities , India have loss 2% GDP growth every economic year and other important thing is that the poor peoples are mostly affected by these calamities.
In these events UNO form UNSIDR in 2005 and HUGO process to combat the impacts of natural disasters India is one of the signatories country of this process, under this 5 general steps to minimize the impact of natural disasters
1. Political approach in this section, it is defined all government should form Act, legislation and institute to minimize the impact of disasters along with the economic support to rehabilitation programme.
2. Technological approach- use of science and technology to calculate the impact of disaster, identification and monitoring and also development of information system.
3. Social and educational approach- to increase the awareness about the calamities and to increase the social responsibilities of human beings.
4. Development approach- in each developmental process we should thinks about the effect of these development processes over nature and natural disaster.
5. Human value-during disaster what are the basic things which we have to do and how we can rehabilitate the people safely.
From August 1999 Indian government starts working on these steps at that time J.C. (former agriculture secretary) and some specialist grouped together to form Higher Committee on Disaster in the light of our constitution , this committee have rights to work at the different level of Nation , state and districts to form different programme and policies after some time the area of work of this committee increases and manmade calamities are also included.
The picture about the disaster management changed when, in Dec. 2004 Tsunamis knocks from the Indian ocean and worst affected India, our 7 state severely damaged after this big incident Indian government came on action and forms Disaster Management Act 2005 .
Now the means of disaster management is working on those programme and policies which work before, after and during disaster, in 2005 after the formation of Disaster Management Act 05 National Disaster Management Authority is formed under the chairman ship of Prime Minster which works at different level like.
The government cant work alone in the area of disaster management so that state, district and NGOs should work at different level to minimize the effect of calamities. The government every year provide budget and different accounts are also formed like PRADHAN MANTRI RAHAT KOSH etc.
Success of any act or legislation depends upon government of centre and state both so they have to work together effectively and collectively to prevent the peoples of country from natural disaster.
* As the government have different level activity there is need of capacity building and strengthens him to face these problems.
* We should work honestly under different Acts and legislation formed to tackle disasters.
* Finance ministry before giving any sanction to the development project have a panel to evaluate the possibilities of natural calamities but person of this panel does not have suitable eligibility.
* To minimize impact of disaster, there is need of its well understanding, but our government have not introduced him about these calamities.
* Different programmes and policies are included in 10th and 11th five year plan but not work properly.
* Human resource development is not completed with awareness.
Along with disaster management important thing is that, to live with disaster, Japanese know this very well, they know they have all around surrounded by volcano and it is porn area for earthquake but they try to live along with disaster, with happiness and morally.
So the important message is that every danger is not a disaster, but if we collect resources to tackle and escape from disaster so we can minimize the impact and harms from disaster and it will be a best management of ours.
Books-* Dr. Surendra kataria Indian public administration
* YOJNA magazine
*Class 10th Disaster management book
* Dr. S. K. Ojha Indian Geography
Web- ndma.gov.in
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